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New Investment Approach for Australian New Homebuyers

New Investment Approach for Australian New Homebuyers

New Investment Approach for Australian New Homebuyers?w=400
Recent statistics have highlighted a notable shift in the strategies Australian first-time homebuyers are using to infiltrate the challenging property market.
Analysis of 2023's purchasing trends indicates an emerging investor mentality among new buyers.

According to the latest insights from the Lendi home loan network, 20% of first-time property acquisitions were made with a clear investment intention, renting out newly bought homes instead of occupying them. This phenomenon, known as 'rentvesting,' exhibits the increasing financial savvy of new entrants to the housing market.

Mortgage experts confirm that a significant portion of these buyers are prioritising their current way of life, opting to reside with family or lease in preferred locales while investing in more affordable areas. This strategy has particularly taken hold in Queensland, which reported a sharp increase in first home buys at the commencement of this year, likely boosted by recent government incentives.

The prevalence of rentvesting was uneven across the states, with New South Wales leading at 30%, Queensland at 26%, and Victoria close behind at 20%. The trend was less common in Western Australia and South Australia, registering only 10 and 7 percent, respectively. Intriguingly, the start of 2024 saw Queensland sprint ahead as 45% of all property deals in January were first home purchases.

The noticeable upswing in Queensland comes on the heels of the state government's decision to increase First Home Buyer grants to $30,000. This drawcard may well have accelerated the 'rentvestment' strategy as a feasible option for many Young Australians.

Exploring further nuances, Lendi's research uncovered that some first home buyers are pooling resources, with at least six percent of acquisitions involving three or more loan applicants, aimed at mitigating financial stress.

Financial creativity did not stop at group purchasing; there's also been a doubling in guarantor loans, where the backing, typically from family members, provides the requisite security for loan approval. With the aid of a guarantor, deposits averaged considerably lower, at around $38,000, demonstrating an alternative pathway into homeownership.

This report paints an evolving picture of a generation of Australians determined to carve their heritage in real estate through more inventive avenues, reflecting a growing adaptability in response to a transforming market landscape.

Published:Monday, 25th Mar 2024
Source: Paige Estritori

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